Dr Sean Kruger
“Ad Destinatum Persequor”
With zeal and perseverance, strive towards the goal

Dr Sean Kruger
Dr Kruger is currently a Senior Lecturer at the University of Pretoria’s Centre for the Future of Work, and his diverse professional background has prepared him to advise leaders and policymakers on how to harness technological advancements and navigate various disruptions, including the changing future of work. He accomplishes this by working cooperatively to develop successful strategies and reinvent business models for true value generation in today’s digital world.
Dr. Sean Kruger strives to empower human-centric innovation through Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies, merging empathy with efficiency for transformative progress.
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UP launches Centre for the Future of Work, which encompasses Society 5.0
Using the profit accumulator is one such way, and you should understand why it increases your chances of the profits. …
UP EXPERT OPINION: Africa’s voice in shaping the future of work
Using the profit accumulator is one such way, and you should understand why it increases your chances of the profits. …