Prof. Alex Antonites
“Ad Destinatum Persequor”
With zeal and perseverance, strive towards the goal

Prof. Alex Antonites
Prof Antonites published extensively in both international and local scientific journals and presented more than 30 papers at academic and related conferences. His research lens embraces entrepreneurial creativity and innovation and recently contributing to the Entrepreneurial University body of knowledge. He also contributed to more than ten textbooks used across Southern Africa. Alex was furthermore involved in an array of technical reports based on contract research and consultation for both private and public sectors. He is also Chief editor of the Southern African Journal for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (SAJESBM).
His current involvement (both on shareholding and non-executive director level) covers an array of industries. His core field of specialization is entrepreneurial creativity and innovation and led many organizations to the next level of performance, in both public and private sector environments. He is currently a non-executive director of the ZZ2 Group and TuksNovation and a member of the University of Pretoria’s Council. Prof Antonites is currently also involved, on an institutional level, in several committees and teams to enhance the entrepreneurial university strategy (including TuksNovation; Future Africa Strategic Group; Steering Committee of the Centre for Entrepreneurship; National SMME Support Portal; UNDP – UP Technical team, Entrepreneurship).
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